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Driven New !EXCLUSIVE!

At the heart of the updates to the model driven app experience is a new look that is based on the Microsoft Fluent design system, already in use across Microsoft in apps like Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Teams and Azure. This new look aligns core concepts, like sharing, with other Microsoft products, making it easier for users to learn and use.The initial preview is launching with updates to the most heavily used model app experiences. The pages included in this initial launch cover 70% of scenarios in use today and we will be frequently updating the preview over the coming months.

Driven New

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Efficient and secure collaboration on business records is a frequent ask from enterprise customers, and the new model driven app experience now enables a streamline sharing experience that will already be familiar with from Office.

Today, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) proposed regulations to reduce the cost of federal student loan payments, especially for low and middle-income borrowers. The regulations fulfill the commitment President Biden laid out in August when he announced his Administration's plan to provide student debt relief for approximately 40 million borrowers and make the student loan system more manageable for student borrowers. The proposed regulations would create the most affordable income-driven repayment (IDR) plan that has ever been made available to student loan borrowers, simplify the program, and eliminate common pitfalls that have historically delayed borrowers' progress toward forgiveness.

The new look and feel for model-driven Power Apps include new controls, layouts, fonts, colors, and more. The updated user interface is a per app, opt-in feature. When enabled, model-driven apps will use the latest Microsoft Fluent Design-based elements as they're released.

In addition to the student loan forgiveness plans announced in August, the Biden administration also proposed a new income-driven repayment (IDR) plan for borrowers. IDR plans intend to help borrowers by allowing them to repay their loan in proportion to their income and offering loan forgiveness after a set number of years. Although details of the plan are still emerging, my initial calculations indicate this new plan would substantially reduce the amount borrowers pay back, increase loan forgiveness, and could allow some borrowers to repay their debts over a longer period of time, relative to previous IDR plans.

Medical technologies may assist humans to live a full life, from telemedicine 24/7, to new medications from AI developments, to new monitoring devices and delivery devices, prosthetics, etc. Items such as clothing, footwear, nutrition, household goods, vehicles, etc., could be designed with technology to optimize output as well as service and be produced or delivered at reduced cost. Waste minimization, safekeeping, comfort, specification and adaptation will be key. Minimizing expenditures will be key for the average working person, hence technologies that assist with that goal to produce the product or service at little cost the consumer will do well, hence the trend to AI-driven technologies for production, etc. Wearable technologies will be important, as people keep all their possessions close to them for safekeeping, hence there will be more and more micro products and perhaps the use of holograms to assist with screen display. Voice and sound technology will assist the elderly and disabled in a very beneficial manner, as will text-to-speech and speech-to-text. These applications will be developed further to assist with everyday work productivity. The need to remember things will be something of the past.

In the trade-off between liberty and security/health, security seems to have better cards. This becomes even more apparent when we consider that the shift of more governmental and business activities into the cyber realm will bring greater dangers of cyber criminality and cyber warfare, which in turn demand much greater investments in cybersecurity, or indeed, entirely new concepts of security and accompanying social and organizational changes. Taken together, it appears that in the wake of the pandemic, we are moving faster towards the data-driven global network society than ever before.

Talent-driven economic development underscores a fundamental tenet of the modern economy: workforce capabilities far surpass any other driver of economic development. This paper aims to help economic development leaders recognize that the future success of both their organizations and regions is fundamentally intertwined with talent development. From that recognition, its goal is to allow economic development leaders to confidently and knowledgeably approach businesses, educational institutions, and community groups with a clear value proposition that aligns their core capabilities in service of systemic, non-duplicative talent development solutions. Specifically, the report makes the following arguments:

Wind and road noise is also well suppressed. In the Autobiography and above trim levels, the refinement is enhanced by a noise-canceling system. Each of the 35 speakers emits a frequency to cancel out unwanted noise in a similar manner to the headphones you might use on an airplane. It's hard to define their overall impact, as we've only driven cars with this system fitted. But there's no question that the Range Rover enjoys the hushed aura of genuine luxury.

At a Land Rover sponsored event, we also drove and rode in the SV version, which will be available for the 2023 model year and features two aircraft-style rear chairs, a fold-out table and fridge. It's for those who prefer to be driven and is certainly opulent, as it should be with a price tag north of $200,000.

In a paper published October 26 in Physical Review Applied, researchers describe new thermodynamical models of engines driven by humidity changes. Their work adapts traditional thermodynamics to this developing technology and applies the results to natural and artificial materials.

The team carefully accounted for all the energy changes of a soft engine going through four steps: Ambient humidity increases, the material absorbs humidity and grows, ambient humidity decreases, and the material releases humidity and shrinks to its initial state. The researchers identified the best possible efficiency of a humidity-driven soft engine, which depends on the two humidity extremes.

Going forward, the team says their models can potentially be adapted to soft engines driven by the diffusion of other stimuli, like solvents, heat, or ions. Kim says their models provide a more guided way to develop materials for soft engines than trial and error.

We present a new approach for deriving exact closed-form solutions for the steady state of a wide class of driven-dissipative nonlinear resonators that is distinct from more common complex-P-function methods. Our method generalizes the coherent quantum-absorber approach of Stannigel et al. [New J. Phys. 14, 063014 (2012)] to include nonlinear driving and dissipation and relies crucially on exploiting the Segal-Bargmann representation of Fock space. Our solutions and method reveal a wealth of previously unexplored observable phenomena in these systems, including new generalized photon-blockade and antiblockade effects and an infinite number of new parameter choices that yield quantum bistability.

(a) Generalized driven-Kerr-cavity problem, where a single interacting bosonic mode is subject to linear and nonlinear coherent drives Λj, as well as independent one- and two-photon loss (rates κ1, κ2). (b) The coherent quantum-absorber method represents each dissipative bath as a chiral waveguide and couples a second auxiliary b cavity downstream. By picking its Hamiltonian judiciously, the entire composite system can relax to a pure state, providing an efficient means for finding the steady state of cavity a.

Steady-state phase diagram for the generalized driven-dissipative Kerr resonator. r2 is a dimensionless detuning parameter, whereas r1 is a drive-dependent dimensionless parameter; both are defined in Eqs. (39) and (40). The phase diagram indicates parameter choices that lead to unusual steady states (as we discuss in the main text).

Companies should want belief-driven employees. We find they are more likely to stay with the company for many years (76 percent) and recommend the company to other recruits (76 percent). Employers must be ready, however, to deal with a new organizational force, as this belief-driven employee group is more activist (83 percent compared to 65 percent of non belief-driven employees) and willing to take a matter public (50 percent vs. 26 percent).

Like all personalized digital experiences, the new NBA App is driven by data, but those deep data services depend on the fundamentals of handling the content. Just broadcasting a single game takes massive effort from many touchpoints, hands and voices. Other content types come at different velocities and levels of creative overhead. Some clips are true craft pieces that are voiced over, reviewed, edited and finalized. Others are served up as they happen.

Covered entities must also allow people with disabilities who use other types of power-driven mobility devices into their facilities, unless a particular type of device cannot be accommodated because of legitimate safety requirements. Where legitimate safety requirements bar accommodation for a particular type of device, the covered entity must provide the service it offers in alternate ways if possible.

Based on these assessment factors, the Department of Justice expects that devices such as Segways can be accommodated in most circumstances. The Department also expects that, in most circumstances, people with disabilities using ATVs and other combustion engine-driven devices may be prohibited indoors and in outdoor areas with heavy pedestrian traffic.

In the transition towards a renewable material -based bioeconomy in Europe, growing interest is being directed towards wooden multistorey construction (WMC) as a sustainable housing solution. We analyse the changing WMC business, and the involved value networks towards 2030 based on service business model literature, with a focus also on consumer-driven models. Methodologically our study uses a three-round Delphi process focusing on Finland as a country where national bioeconomy strategy specifically acknowledges wood-based construction. Based on our results, the primary reasons for wood utilization are supporting the bioeconomy strategy with the use of renewable materials and addressing indoor air quality concerns. This happens instead of enhancing intrinsic motivation towards sustainable bioeconomy as such. Therefore, transforming business models towards sustainability calls for strengthening the positive image of the wood construction industry, especially among a largely neglected stakeholder group, i.e. residents. To achieve business model development, the industry needs to strengthen its orchestration of partner networks and capabilities, by including not only new co-creators as a part of the actor-to-actor network, but also residents as end-users. 041b061a72


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